Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Lavender Olive Soap

Lavender Olive Soap

Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, Canola Oil, Extra Virgin Grapeseed Oil, NaOH, Ultra Blue Lavender Infused Water, Ultra Blue Lavender Infused Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Fresh Ground Ultra Blue Lavender Powder

Soapmaking Method: Cold Process (CP)
Bar Size: 4.5 - 5.5 oz
Curing Time: 6 weeks
Shelf Life: 1 year from the cured date

We produce our soaps with Cold Process one batch a time from scratch.  This soap has been produced regularly as one of our basic castile soaps.  All nature and 100% vegan soaps.  Due to handmade process, each batch will look slightly different but we try to keep the similarity closely through out every batch.  We generously hand cut each piece and the weight is within 10% tolerance.

This soap has been heavily infused with top quality Ultra Blue Lavender.  It will give you ultimate sensation feeling and soothe your nerves.

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