Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Liquid Recycled Soap

You can make Liquid Soap or Liquid Detergent with solid natural handmade used ( recycled ) oil soaps.  To do so, follow the steps below.

Any size grater and bar soaps.

Grate the bar soaps.

Add 1 part of Herb-Infused-Water ( 1 hand full of lavender buds or your prefer fragrant herbs with 1 cup of hot water and let it soak for 15 minutes then filter the water with fine strainer ) and 1-2 parts of Boiling Hot Water ( depends on the thickness of your preferences ) to 1 part of lightly packed soap shaves.

Stir gently and let it soak for 60 minutes.

Stir gently again.  Let it soak overnight ( at least 8 hours ).

Stir gently again, if necessary.  Your liquid soap will look like in the photo.

Usage of liquid soap ( thin liquid ):
- Dish Washing Soap
- Hand Soap
- Oven/Stove Cleaner
- Tile Floor Cleaner
- General Purpose Household Cleaner

Usage of liquid detergent ( thick liquid ):
- Laundry Detergent
- Oven/Stove/Grill De-Greaser
- Restaurant Kitchen De-Greaser
- Heavy Duty Household Cleaner

This product is made from 100% natural ingredients and completely bio-degradable.  It is eco-friendly and won't cause environment pollution.

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